Themistius: On Aristotle Physics 5-8 1st Edition by Michael Griffin, Richard Sorabji, Robert B. Todd – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1472558162, 978-1472558169
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1472558162
ISBN 13: 978-1472558169
Author: Michael Griffin, Richard Sorabji, Robert B. Todd
Themistius: On Aristotle Physics 5-8 1st Edition: Themistius’ treatment of Books 5-8 of Aristotle’s Physics shows this commentator’s capacity to identify, isolate and discuss the core ideas in Aristotle’s account of change, his theory of the continuum, and his doctrine of the unmoved mover. His paraphrase offered his ancient students, as they will now offer his modern readers, an opportunity to encounter central features of Aristotle’s physical theory, synthesized and epitomized in a manner that has always marked Aristotelian exegesis but was raised to a new level by the innovative method of paraphrase pioneered by Themistius. Taking selective but telling accounts of the earlier Peripatetic tradition (notably Theophrastus and Alexander of Aphrodisias), this commentator creates a framework that can still be profitably used by Aristotelian scholars today.
Themistius: On Aristotle Physics 5-8 1st Edition Table of contents:
Book 5
Book 6 (chs 1-6; 8-10)
Book 7 (chs 2-5)
Book 8
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Michael Griffin,Richard Sorabji,Robert Todd,Themistius,Aristotle,Physics,5,8