Pathway to Hell A Tragedy of the American Civil War 1st Edition by Dennis Brandt – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9780845345283, 0845345281
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:0845345281
• ISBN 13:9780845345283
• Author:Dennis Brandt
Shell shock, battle fatigue, posttraumatic stress disorder, lack of moral courage: different terms for the same mental condition, formal names that change with observed circumstances and whenever experts feel prompted to coin a more suitable descriptive term for the shredding of the human spirit. Although the specter of psychological dysfunction has marched alongside all soldiers in all wars, always at the ready to ravish minds, rarely is it discussed when the topic is America’s greatest conflict, the Civil War. Yet mind-destroying terror was as present at Gettysburg and Antietam as in Vietnam and today in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Pathway to Hell A Tragedy of the American Civil War 1st Table of contents:
Foreword / Richard Wheeler
Prologue: And So It Concludes
1. Influences
2. Growing Up
3. Pennsylvania Calls
4. When It Was Still Called Glory
5. Fight!
6. Down in the Valley
7. Closer to Darkness
8. Bloodiest Day
9. Hell Itself
10. Top of the Slide
11. Depths
12. Home, Where the War Never Ends
13. Analyzing the Dead
14. Was Angelo Unique?
A Psychiatric Meditation: Thoughts on Angelo Crapsey / Thomas P. Lowry
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