Creating Effective Sales and Marketing Relationships 1st Edition by Kenneth Le Meunier-FitzHugh – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1606498592, 9781606498590
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1606498592
ISBN 13: 9781606498590
Author: Kenneth Le Meunier-FitzHugh
Creating Effective Sales and Marketing Relationships 1st Edition: This book demonstrates how corporate sales and marketing teams should operate collaboratively in a 21st Century organization to enhance performance in the marketplace. It discusses how and why conflict and /or separation has grown between these two groups, even though to the outside world they appear to be a single group. The book considers how collaboration between sales and marketing can impact positively on a company’s competitive advantage, and what the senior management role should be in creating and facilitating the smooth running of their sales and marketing functions. The book also discusses the resourcing of sales and marketing, and how innovative processes can reduce conflict and promote closeness, as well as a review of the role of communication, formal and informal, in improving collaboration. Finally, the book explores how sales and marketing can become more competitive in the face of a dynamic and borderless market, and where lead generation is less important than building long-term relationships with customers. The book has an action-oriented perspective throughout, providing the reader with checklists and diagnostics as the basis for evaluating their own companies and identifying directions for improvement. As the book develops its theme, key points will be reinforced with company examples
Creating Effective Sales and Marketing Relationships 1st Edition Table of contents:
Chapter 1: The Sales and Marketing Interface
- Creating customer value
- Operation of the sales and marketing interface
- Collaboration vs. integration
- The changing role of sales
- The changing role of marketing
Chapter 2: Crises in Working Relationships Between Sales and Marketing
- Growth or conflict
- Barriers to collaboration
- Organizational barriers
- Location barriers
- Inconsistent processes
- Competing for resources and budgets
- Informational constraints
- Outcomes of conflict between sales and marketing
Chapter 3: Alignment and Effective Working Relationships in Lead Generation
- Aligning sales and marketing
- Process alignment
- Lead generation and the sales funnel
- Consultative selling
- Effects of e-marketing
- Selling direct through the web
- How should sales and marketing work together?
Chapter 4: How Should Sales and Marketing Communicate?
- What is communication?
- Building market information systems
- Joint planning
- Communicating with the customer
- New product development
Chapter 5: The Role of Sales and Marketing in Customer Relationships
- Customer focus and relationship building
- Trust between buyers and sellers
- Value co-creation
Chapter 6: Managing the Sales and Marketing Interface
- Motivating collaboration
- Integration mechanisms
- Cross-functional meetings and joint planning
- Cross-functional teams
- Cross-functional training
- Job rotation
- Rewards alignment
Chapter 7: Optimizing the Sales and Marketing Interface
- Structure and process
- Communication
- Location
- The role of learning in collaborative behavior
- Customer value
- Practical integration
- Management role
- Five key points in the sales and marketing collaboration
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