Advances in the Study of Behavior 32 1st Edition by Peter Slater, Marc Naguib – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9780080582856, 0080582850
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:0080582850
• ISBN 13:9780080582856
• Author:Peter Slater, Marc Naguib
Advances in the Study of Behavior
Advances in the Study of Behavior continues to serve scientists across a wide spectrum of disciplines. Focusing on new theories and research developments with respect to behavioral ecology, evolutionary biology, and comparative psychology, these volumes serve to foster cooperation and communication in these diverse fields.
Advances in the Study of Behavior 32 1st Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Is the Information Center Hypothesis a Flop?
I. Introduction
II. Colony-Based Group Foraging
III. Colonial Lifestyle: Parasitism, Mutual Benefit, or Cooperation
IV. A Critical View of Some Predictions of the Hypothesis
V. Evaluation of the Empirical Evidence for Information Transfer at the Colony
VI. Summary
Chapter 2. Maternal Contributions to Mammalian Reproductive Development and the Divergence of Males
I. Introduction
II. Adaptation and the Nature of Sex Differences
III. Developmental Processes
IV. Maternal Contributions to the Development of Reproduction in Mammals
V. Maternal Contributions to Offspring Reproductive Success
VI. Summary and Conclusions
Chapter 3. Cultural Transmission in the Black Rat: Pine Cone Feeding
I. Introduction
II. The Ability of Naïve Adult Rats to Learn to Open Cones
III. The Contribution of Genetics and/or Early Experience to the Ability of Young Rats to Learn to O
IV. Alteration of the Cones to Motivate and/or Assist the Rats to Learn to Open Them
V. Shaving Versus Spiral Method of Opening Pine Cones
VI. The Energetics of Pine Cone Opening
VII. Opening of Two Types of Cones in Sympatric Populations of Black Rats
VIII. Discussion and Conclusions
IX. An Afterword
X. Summary
Chapter 4. The Behavioral Diversity and Evolution of Guppy, Poecilia reticulata, Populations in Trin
I. Introduction
II. Background
III. Adaptive Variation as a Direct Consequence of Risk
IV. Indirect Consequences of Predation Risk
V. Evolution in the Wild
VI. Genetic Divergence of Populations
VII. Historical and Stochastic Influences on Behavior
VIII. Links between Behavior and Divergence
IX. Future Directions
X. Summary
Chapter 5. Sociality, Group Size, and Reproductive Suppression among Carnivores
I. Introduction
II. Aspects of Social Organization
III. The Evolution of Social Breeding and Group Size
IV. The Evolution of Reproductive Suppression
V. Comparative Analyses of Sociality and Reproductive Suppression
VI. Phylogenetic Regression Analyses of Sociality, Group Size, and Reproductive Suppression
VII. Summary
Chapter 6. Development and Relationships: A Dynamic Model of Communication
I. Introduction
II. Relationships
III. Development
IV. Research Implications
V. Summary
Chapter 7. Why Do Females Mate with Multiple Males? The Sexually Selected Sperm Hypothesis
I. Introduction
II. The Sperm Sexual Selection Hypothesis
III. Predictions and Evidence
IV. Conclusions
V. Summary
Appendix: Oscillating Evolution of Multiple Sperm Types
Chapter 8. Cognition in Cephalopods
I. Introduction
II. Background on Cephalopods
III. Learning Studies
IV. Other Demonstrations of Capacity
V. Summary
Contents of Previous Volumes
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