Around the World in 40 Years 1st Edition by Ram Sehgal- Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:9780070681026, 0070681023
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0070681023
ISBN 13: 9780070681026
Author: Ram Sehgal
“‘Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the places and moments that take our breath away’. Living up to this traveler’s maxim is Around the World in 40 Years, a globe trotter’s passionate and engaging account of travels across the world over a period of 40 years. A wanderlust instilled during a brief stint in Air India took the author on official and pleasure trips to over 300 cities across Europe, Africa and Latin America, and the Middle East, including 88 cities in India. As the author says, ‘There is no such thing as a bad trip; it is just good travel stories to tell back home’. The skills of a consummate storyteller come into full play as he recounts his cross-cultural experiences ranging from amusing to hilarious, unusual to bizarre and frustrating to delightful with humor, bemusement, sarcasm and a true traveler’s spirit of enquiry. Fascinating anecdotes take the place of the usual where-to-go and what-to-do tips as the book comes alive with people like taxi drivers, airlines crew and hotel attendants, their mindsets, moods, behavior, and customs. If traveling is more an experience than a mere physical act, then the book is a sheer traveler’s delight.”
Around the World in 40 Years 1st Table of contents:
CHAPTER ONE Taxi Drivers
CHAPTER FIVE Loyalty Programmes
CHAPTER EIGHT Shopping Around the World
CHAPTER NINE The Beginning of the Journe
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