Better Reading French : A Reader and Guide to Improving Your Understanding of Written French 1st Edition by Annie Heminway – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0071391398, 978-0071391399
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0071391398
ISBN 13: 978-0071391399
Author: Annie Heminway
Better Reading French : A Reader and Guide to Improving Your Understanding of Written French 1st Edition:
New reading series brings foreign language acquisition into the 21st century
While the world produces more and more reading material each year, from magazines to newspapers to websites, why are most language learners still relying on contrived texts and classic literature for language acquisition? Providing entertaining contemporary texts in the original language, the Better Reading Language series is for those who want to brush up on a foreign language.
With the authentic materials provided in this series, readers will be able to peruse a Latin Grammys write-up in Spanish, a feature on Alain Ducasse’s favorite recipes in French, or a review of a Milan fashion show in Italian. Readings on everything from music and sports to cinema and contemporary family life are arranged in increasing difficulty within chapters. Along the way, learners will find instruction and exercises to help develop improved reading speed, comprehension, and vocabulary.
Better Reading French : A Reader and Guide to Improving Your Understanding of Written French 1st Edition Table of contents:
How to use this book
Les petits mots d’amour A game of love, Valentine’s Day cards, and proverbs about love
L’horoscope Horoscopes—Western and Chinese
Les petites annonces classées Looking for love in the classifieds
L’amour éternel A letter from Juliette Drouet to Victor Hugo
La vie romantique A letter from George Sand to Alfred de Musset
L’amour au théâtre Molière’s pursuit of the perfect expression of love
L’amour et les chats Chateaubriand’s love of cats
L’amour et le chocolat For the love of chocolate
L’adieu A farewell poem by Apollinaire
Les notes Sticky notes, to-do lists, e-mail, a love letter, a “Dear John” letter, postcards, and a wedding invitation
Échanges entre voisins Correspondence—neighborly and not so neighborly
Correspondance administrative A letter to city hall
Lettre de cachet An official request
Lettres historiques Letters from the battlefield
Runes The magic of writing
Haïkus Poetry in three lines
La panoplie du chef A chef’s stock-in-trade
Recettes Three recipes, beginning with dessert
Les critiques culinaires A guide to Parisian restaurants
Cuisine et littérature Déjeuner with Proust
Les manières de table Eating do’s and don’ts in the 1800s
Le lunch au Local Let’s have lunch with the Québécois!
Des livres beaux à croquer Flaubert au chocolat, Balzac à la Chantilly
Enivrez-vous An invitation from Baudelaire
Chante, chante
À la claire fontaine A seventeenth-century soldier’s lament
Le temps des cerises Politics and love in a nineteenth-century song
Les roses blanches Lyrical white roses for maman
Carmen Romance in Bizet’s opera
Le chant grégorien Centuries-old plainsong
L’Olympia Resurrecting a musical theater in Paris
Le Musée de la Musique A museum of musical instruments
Nous n’irons plus au bois A song based on a nineteenth-century poem
La France des musées Museums—old and new
Le musée du quai Branly African, Asian, Oceanic, and American art by the Seine
Les musées ruraux Bread, bees, and ostriches in the countryside
Les musées urbains Fabric and fashion in the city
Les maisons d’artistes The artist’s spirit lives on
Le Paris des jardins The green space of Paris
Emmène-moi au bout du monde
Un voyage d’affaires Doing business in Venice
L’Orient-Express A history of the train of myth and mystique
Un tour en montgolfière Up, up, and away
Paris bohème A stroll through 1920s Montparnasse
Théodore Monod A scientist and humanitarian whose passion was the desert
Alexandra David-Néel Pages from an explorer’s journal
Femmes au-delà des mers Women, heritage, and networking
Fais-moi explorer
Lecture numérique Young, avid digital readers
Les inventions Hot-air balloons, garbage cans, and Braille
L’euro Technology in your pocket
Les vitraux Craftsmanship in the restoration of stained glass
Marie Curie, une pionnière du prix Nobel au Panthéon The first woman to join the nation’s “great men”
Médecins Sans Frontières Relieving the world’s suffering
Adolphe Sax The highs and lows of an inventor’s life
Explique-moi tous les symboles
Les symboles français Maxims, the rooster, Marianne, and “La Marseillaise”
Les drapeaux The flags of France and the European Union
L’Académie française Protecting the mother tongue
Les discours Speech, speech! Victor Hugo delivers
Fais-moi découvrir la littérature contemporaine
Hommage au monde francophone A tribute to the mother tongue
La théorie des nuages Cloud obsession, love, and survival
Pondichéry, à l’aurore From Stockholm to Pondichéry
Aimé Césaire par sa fille Césaire, fundamental man
Haïti Kenbe La! Dreams of my Haitian grandmother
Dany Laferrière We are human beings, all over the world
Boulevard des Mots-dits A carnival of words
La tourmente de la langue française Taming the French language
Chant à l’Indien A poem by Khireddine Mourad
Continuing to read
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