Engaging India Diplomacy, Democracy and the Bomb 1st Edition by Strobe Talbott – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0815721250, 9780815721253
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0815721250
ISBN 13: 9780815721253
Author: Strobe Talbott
Engaging India Diplomacy, Democracy and the Bomb 1st Edition: In this revised edition of the highly praised Engaging India , Strobe Talbott updates his bestselling diplomatic account of America’s parallel negotiations with India and Pakistan over nuclear proliferation in the late 1990s. The update looks at recent nuclear dealings between India and the United States, including Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s 2005 visit to America. Under the highly controversial agreement that emerged, the United States would give India access to U.S. nuclear technology and conventional weapons systems. In exchange, India would place its civilian nuclear program under international monitoring and continue the ban on nuclear testing.
Engaging India Diplomacy, Democracy and the Bomb 1st Edition Table of contents:
- The Lost Half Century
- The Desert Rises
- The Mountain Turns White
- Jaswant’s Village
- Stuck on the Tarmac
- Soft Stonewalling
- The Avatar of Evil
- From Kargil to Blair House
- Sisyphus at India House
- A Guest in the Parliament
- Unfinished Business
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Strobe Talbott,Engaging,India,Diplomacy,Democracy,the Bomb