Essential 3ds Max 2008 1st Edition by Sean Mcbride – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1598220500, 978-1598220506
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1598220500
ISBN 13: 978-1598220506
Author: Sean Mcbride
Essential 3ds Max 2008 1st Edition: Essential 3ds Max 2008 offers an extremely user-friendly introduction to using 3ds Max 2008. From beginners to users of other 3D modeling packages who are looking to switch, readers will find this book to be straightforward and easy to follow. Beginners become familiar with the user interface while being introduced to low- and high-polygon modeling techniques such as Sub-D and strip modeling as well as lighting scenes using a three-point light system. Intermediate users learn to create materials, light scenes using Mental Ray’s global and indirect illumination, generate a basic character, unwrap models to generate UVW coordinates, and do some basic animation. Advanced users learn to model high-poly assets such as a dagger and a suit of fantasy armor. Finally, users looking to go into game development will learn how to generate normal maps to make low-polygon models appear as if they had hundreds of thousands of polygons more!
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