Explaining Explanation 2nd Edition by David Hillel Ruben – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9781317259916, 1317259912
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:1317259912
• ISBN 13:9781317259916
• Author:David Hillel Ruben
Explaining Explanation
This second edition of David-Hillel Ruben’s influential and highly acclaimed book on the philosophy of explanation has been revised and expanded, and the author has made substantial changes in light of the extensive reviews the first edition received. Ruben’s views on the place of laws in explanation has been refined and clarified. What is perhaps the central thesis of the book, his realist view of explanation, describing the way in which explanation depends on metaphysics, has been updated and extended and engages with some of the work in this area published since the book’s first edition.
Explaining Explanation 2nd Table of contents:
Title Page
Copyright Page
Preface and Acknowledgments
Preface to the Second Edition
I Getting our Bearings
Some explanations
Process and product
The methodology of explaining explanation
Restricting the scope of the analysis
Scientific and ordinary explanation
Partial and full explanation
Bad explanations and no explanations
Some terminology
Theories of explanation
Dispensing with contrastives
II Plato on Explanation
The Phaedo
Platonic explanantia and explananda
Problems for the physical explainers
Some terminology
Plato’s Principles
Plato’s (PP2)
Plato’s (PP1)
The Theaetetus
III Aristotle on Explanation
The Doctrine of the Four Causes
Does Aristotle Have a General Account of Explanation?
Incidental and Per Se Causes
Necessitation and Laws In Explanation
Aristotle on Scientific Explanation
Aristotle’s demonstrations
IV Mill and Hempel on Explanation
Mill’s account of explanation: laws of coexistence and succession
Mill’s Account of Explanation: The Symmetry Thesis
Mill on Ultimate Explanations
Mill on Deduction and Explanation
Hempel’s Account of Scientific Explanation
Hempel’s Methodology
Hempel on the Symmetry Thesis
Hempel on Inductive-Statistical Explanation
Hempel on Epistemic Ambiguity
V The Ontology of Explanation
Explanation and Epistemology
Extensionality and the Slingshot
The Relata of the Explanation Relation
Explaining Facts
The Non-Extensionality of Facts
Facts: worldly or wordy?
The Co-Typical Predicate Extensionality of Facts
The Name Transparency of Facts
Addendum On Gideon Rosen’s Conception of Facts
VI Arguments, Laws, and Explanation
The standard counterexamples: irrelevance
The Standard Counterexamples: Symmetry
A Proposed Cure and its Problems: The Causal Condition
Generalizations Get Their Revenge
VII A Realist Theory of Explanation
Are All Singular Explanations Causal Explanations?
What Would Make an Explanation Non-Causal?
Identity and Explanation
Are there other non-causal singular explanations?
Disposition explanations
Again: determinative, high dependency, and low dependency explanations
Postscript on Gideon Rosen
Reviews of the First Edition of Explaining Explanation
Name Index
Subject Index
About the Author
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Explaining Explanation,Explanation 2nd Edition,David Hillel Ruben