For God Alone: A Primer on Prayer 1st Edition by Bonnie Thurston – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 026820103X, 9780268201036
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 026820103X
ISBN 13: 9780268201036
Author: Bonnie Thurston
For God Alone: A Primer on Prayer 1st Edition:
Bonnie Thurston is the author of many books and articles about spirituality and prayer. In For God Alone she shows us, clearly and practically, how to pray. The result is a unique introduction to prayer that will encourage all Christian readers seeking to deepen the life of prayer.
For God Alone introduces three traditional trajectories of Christian prayer: oratio, meditatio, and contemplatio. Thurston guides the reader from familiar “voiced prayers” through the prayer of thought and intellect to the less familiar prayer of quiet or listening. Thurston concludes each chapter with practical exercises for the practice of prayer, suggestions for further reading, and space for reader’s notes. Drawing material from both Eastern and Western traditions, For God Alone is learned but conversational in tone and thoroughly accessible to the general reader. Adult education classes in various denominations will profit from reading this book. It will also be used in practical ministries courses, spirituality courses, and courses in the theology and practice of prayer.
For God Alone: A Primer on Prayer 1st Edition Table of contents:
Chapter 1 Prayer: Toward a Definition 9
Chapter 2 Oratio: Praying with Words 24
Chapter 3 Praying the Word: Lectio Divina 54
Chapter 4 Prayer: Toward an Anthropology 69
Chapter 5 Praying the Name: The Jesus Prayer 86
Chapter 6 Praying with the Body: Some Exercises 105
Chapter 7 Prayer: Toward a Cosmology 128
Chapter 8 Prayer: Toward Contemplatio 143
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