Hitler and His Inner Circle Chilling Profiles of the Evil Figures Behind the Third Reich 1st Edition by Paul Roland – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1398802425, 9781398802421
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:1398802425
• ISBN 13:9781398802421
• Author:Paul Roland
The Nazis kept extensive files on practically everybody in the Third Reich. Now author Paul Roland turns the tables with this brilliant exposé – a fascinating psychological profile of the most infamous Nazis, including Goering, Goebbels, Himmler, Eva Braun, Jesef Mengele and many more.
Hitler and His Inner Circle provides a fresh approach to World War II history. Packed with fascinating facts and unexpected details based on files kept by the Allies.
Examples include:
• Adolf Hitler had ‘terrible’ table manners, gorged on cake in his bunker and Allied psychologists considered him a neurotic psychopath.
• When Hermann Goering surrendered to the Americans, he had a gold-plated revolver and a stash of drugs in his luggage.
• Franz Stangl loved his job so much (as commandant of Sobibor and Treblinka concentration camps) that he tried to make his places of work seem as normal as he could by planting flowers and shrubs everywhere and creating a fake railway station with fake painted clocks to welcome new arrivals.
Accompanied by over 50 images, this concise yet revealing chronicle of Hitler’s henchmen is presented in a fresh and accessible way.
Hitler and His Inner Circle Chilling Profiles of the Evil Figures Behind the Third Reich 1st Table of contents:
Martin Bormann
Adolf Hitler
Hitler’s Women: Unity Mitford; Angela (Geli) Raubal
Eva Braun
Adolf Eichmann
Godfathers of Nazism: Drexler, Feder and Harrer; Dietrich Eckart
Hermann Goering
Albert Goering
Reinhard Heydrich
Josef Goebbels
Magda Goebbels
Amon Goeth
Heinrich Himmler
Rudolf Hoess
Josef Mengele
Leni Riefenstahl
Ernst Roehm
Hjalmar Schacht
Albert Speer
Franz Stangl
Rudolf Hess
Wilhelm Keitel
Alfred Rosenberg
Julius Streicher
Picture credits
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Circle Chilling,Evil Figures Behind,Third Reich,Paul Roland