Management Accounting Change: Approaches and Perspectives 1st Edition by Chandana Alawattage, Danture Wickramasinghe – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 113671393X, 9781136713934
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 113671393X
ISBN 13: 9781136713934
Author: Chandana Alawattage, Danture Wickramasinghe
Management Accounting Change: Approaches and Perspectives 1st Edition : Written by two experienced lecturers, this is the first student-centered textbook to bridge the technical and theoretical aspects of management accounting change. Packed full of pedagogical features, including mini-cases, learning outcomes, key terms, article summaries, key concept boxes, real-world cases, chapter summaries and further reading suggestions and resources, it is clear and accessibly written, covering all the major emerging topics in management accounting theory. Discussing technical developments in management accounting from conventional cost accounting to contemporary strategic management accounting and beyond, in four parts it: shows how conventional cost accounting techniques and management control models evolved in line with the development of mass production and bureaucracy explores how recent developments such as customer and strategic orientations in business, flexible manufacturing, post-bureaucracy, network and virtual organizational technologies implicate in management accounting provides a number of alternative theories through which the transition of management accounting from mechanistic to post-mechanistic approaches can be explained – elaborating both rational and interpretive/critical theories. This excellent text meets a desperate need for an advanced management accounting textbook that incorporates theory and practice and is accessible and engaging for all those studying in this challenging area.
Management Accounting Change: Approaches and Perspectives 1st Edition Table of contents:
- Chapter 1: Management accounting: views, approaches, perspectives
Part 1: Mechanistic Approaches
- Chapter 2: Toward mass production and bureaucracy
- Chapter 3: Towards product costing
- Chapter 4: Towards cost controls and budgeting
- Chapter 5: Towards management controls
- Chapter 6: Towards economic models
Part 2: Post-Mechanistic Approaches
- Chapter 7: Towards customer orientation
- Chapter 8: Towards flexible manufacturing and post-bureaucracy
- Chapter 9: Towards cost management
- Chapter 10: Towards strategic management accounting
- Chapter 11: Towards management accounting in new organizations
Part 3: Rational Perspectives
- Chapter 12: Neoclassical economic theories of MACh
- Chapter 13: Contingency theory of MACh
Part 4: Critical Perspectives
- Chapter 14: Naturalism in MACh
- Chapter 15: Political economy of MACh
- Chapter 16: Post-structuralism and post-modernism in MACh
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