Minimal Processing Technologies in the Food Industry 1st Edition by Thomas Ohlsson, Nils Bengtsson – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1855736799, 9781855736795
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1855736799
ISBN 13: 9781855736795
Author: Thomas Ohlsson, Nils Bengtsson
Minimal Processing Technologies in the Food Industry 1st Edition: Consumers increasingly demand foods that retain their natural flavor, color, and texture and contain fewer additives such as preservatives. In response to those needs, one of the most important recent developments in the food industry has been the development of minimal processing technologies designed to limit the impact of processing on nutritional and sensory quality and to preserve food without the use of synthetic additives. This important collection reviews the range of minimal processing techniques, their advantages and disadvantages, and their use in food production.
Minimal Processing Technologies in the Food Industry 1st Edition Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Minimal processing of foods with thermal methods
- Introduction: thermal methods and minimal processing
- Minimal processing by thermal conduction, convection and radiation
- Heat processing in the package
- Aseptic processing and semi-aseptic processing
- Sous-vide processing
- Infrared heating
- Electric volume heating methods for foods
- Electric resistance/ohmic heating
- High frequency or radio frequency heating
- Microwave heating
- Inductive electrical heating
- Future trends
Chapter 3. Minimal processing of foods with non-thermal methods
- Introduction
- Ionising radiation
- High pressure processing
- Methods based on pulsed discharge of a high energy capacitor
- Pulsed white light
- Ultraviolet light
- Laser light
- Pulsed electric field (PEF) or high electric field pulses (HEFP)
- Oscillating magnetic fields
- Other non-thermal antimicrobial treatments
- Ultrasound
- Pulse power system
- Air ion bombardment
- Plasma sterilisation at atmospheric pressure
- Conclusion
Chapter 4. Modified atmosphere packaging
- Introduction
- MAP principles
- MAP gases
- Gas mixtures
- Packaging and packages
- MAP of non-respiring foods
- MAP of respiring foods
- The safety of MAP food products
- The future of MAP
Chapter 5. Active and intelligent packaging
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Active packaging techniques
- Oxygen absorbers
- Carbon dioxide absorbers and emitters
- Ethylene absorbers
- Moisture/water absorbers
- Ethanol emitters
- Active packaging materials
- Oxygen-absorbing packaging materials
- Packaging materials with antioxidants
- Enzymatic packaging materials
- Antimicrobial agents in packaging materials
- Flavour-scalping materials
- Temperature-sensitive films
- Temperature control packaging
- Intelligent packaging techniques
- Time–temperature indicators
- Oxygen and carbon dioxide indicators
- Freshness and doneness indicators
- Consumer and legislative issues
- Future trends
Chapter 6. Natural food preservatives
- Introduction
- Antimicrobial agents
- Antimicrobial proteins and peptides
- Plant-derived antimicrobial agents
- Activity of natural antimicrobials
- Natural food preservatives: mechanisms of action
- Application in food products
- Natural antioxidants in food systems
- Activity mechanisms of natural antioxidants
- Commercial natural antioxidants: sources and suppliers
- Natural compounds with dual protective functionality as preservatives and antioxidants
- Conclusion and future trends
Chapter 7. The hurdle concept
- Introduction
- The behaviour of microorganisms
- The range and application of hurdles
- The use of hurdle technology in food processing
- Hurdle technology in practice: some examples
- The development of new hurdles: some examples
- The future of hurdle technology
Chapter 8. Safety criteria for minimally processed foods
- Introduction
- Safety problems with minimally processed foods
- Fresh fruit and vegetables
- Shelf-life evaluation
- Current legislative requirements: the EU
- Microbiological risk assessment
- Future developments
Chapter 9. Minimal processing in practice: fresh fruits and vegetables
- Introduction
- Quality changes in minimally processed fruits and vegetables
- Improving quality
- Raw materials
- Peeling, cutting and shredding
- Cleaning, washing and drying
- Browning inhibition
- Biocontrol agents
- Packaging
- Storage conditions
- Processing guidelines for particular vegetables
- Future trends
Chapter 10. Minimal processing in practice: seafood
- Introduction
- High pressure processing of seafood
- Impact on microbial growth
- Impact on quality
- Effects on enzymatic activity
- Effects on texture and microstructure
- Effects on lipid oxidation
- Effects on appearance and colour
- Future trends of high pressure treatment
- The use of high electric field pulses
- Impact on microbial growth
- Effects on protein and enzymatic activity
- Effects on texture and microstructure
- Future trends of PEF treatment
Chapter 11. Minimal processing in the future: integration across the supply chain
- Introduction
- Key issues in an integrated approach
- Raw materials
- Mild and optimised processes
- Reduction of the number of processing stages
- Package optimisation
- Sustainable production
- Examples of food products manufactured using an integrated approach
- Future trends
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Thomas Ohlsson,Nils Bengtsson,Minimal,Processing,Technologies,the Food,Industry