Narcoepics: A Global Aesthetics of Sobriety 1st Edition by Hermann Herlinghaus – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1623567017, 9781623567019
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1623567017
ISBN 13: 9781623567019
Author: Hermann Herlinghaus
Narcoepics: A Global Aesthetics of Sobriety 1st Edition: Narcoepics Unbound foregrounds the controversial yet mostly untheorized phenomenon of contemporary Latin American ‘narcoepics.’ Dealing with literary works and films whose characteristics are linked to illicit global exchange, informal labor, violence, ‘bare life,’ drug consumption, and ritualistic patterns of identity, it argues for a new theoretical approach to better understand these ‘narratives of intoxication.’ Foregrounding the art that has arisen from or seeks to describe drug culture, Herlinghaus’ comparative study looks at writers such as Gutiérrez, J. J. Rodríguez, Reverte, films such as City of God, and the narratives surrounding cultural villains/heroes such as Pablo Escobar. Narcoepics shows that that in order to grasp the aesthetic and ethical core of these narratives it is pivotal, first, to develop an ‘aesthetics of sobriety.’ The aim is to establish a criteria for a new kind of literary studies, in which cultural hermeneutics plays as much a part as political philosophy, analysis of religion, and neurophysiological inquiry.
Narcoepics: A Global Aesthetics of Sobriety 1st Edition Table of contents:
1. Pharmakon and Pharmakos: Prolegomena for a Janus-Faced Modernity
- Counterpoint, not other
- Remembering the Psychoactive Revolution: Provincializing the West
- On the Meaning of Dissociation, and the Logics of Denial
- Unlearning Fear, Absolving the Ghost of the Pharmakos: An Open Genealogy
2. Aesthetics of Sobriety: Approximating Narratives from the Hemispheric South
- Ethics at an Impasse: Toward Abnormal Interpretation
- Humiliating Sobriety: A Surreptitious Path
- Thinking Poverty, Relocating Aesthetics
3. Heterogeneous Genealogies: From the Latin American Narco-Novel to Narcoepics
- Prolegomena
- First, Mexican Encounter with the Low-Level Drug Business: Diario de un narcotraficante (Angelo Nacaveva)
- Demoniac Intoxication, Construction of Guilt, and the Predicament of Cynicism: Mariposa Blanca (Tito Gutirrez Vargas)
- Cinematic Writing and the Acting Brain of a Killer: Lehrstück About the Borders of Citizenship (Nostalgia de la sombra, Eduardo Antonio Parra)
4. The Political Baroque of the Pablo Escobar Story
- Pablo Escobar, auge y caída de un narcotraficante (Alonso Salazar)
- Ominous Questions
- A Revolution Without Philosophers
- The Rainmaker from the Global South: Power and Predicament
- The Drama of Extradition, and the Impossible Sovereign
- Coda
5. Female Castaways: Delirio, Plasma, and Displacements from Oppression
- También las Mujeres Pueden
- The Impossible Healing: Delirio (Laura Restrepo)
- Toward an Ecological Aesthetics, Postoptimistic: Plasma (Guadalupe Santa Cruz)
6. From Pharmakon to Femicide: 2666 (Roberto Bolaño)
- Thinking from the Pharmakon, Approaching Literature Otherwise
- Globalized Academics in the Wake of Cosmopolitanism
- Placebo Intellectuals
- Benno von Archimboldi, the Amphibian
- The Part About the Crimes: Another Almanac of the Dead
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