Nutraceutical Values of Horticultural Crops and Products 1st Edition by Dhurendra Singh, P. N. Sivalingam, Pinaki Acharyya – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9789390083275, 9789385516979
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ISBN 10: 9789390083275
ISBN 13: 9789385516979
Author: Dhurendra Singh, P. N. Sivalingam, Pinaki Acharyya
Nutraceutical Values of Horticultural Crops and Products 1st Edition:
The potential in the area to respond to consumer demands and address public health issues through diet, has brought about the impetus to do further research by government, industry and research institutes to substantiate the science behind the health benefits from plant constituents. Marker Assisted Selection hold great potential for plant breeding as it promises to expedite the time taken to produce crop varieties with desirable characters.
Progress has been made in mapping and tagging many horticultural important genes with morphological, biochemical and molecular markers which form the foundation for marker assisted selection in crops plants. They offer great scope for improving the efficiency of conventional plant breeding by carrying out selection not directly on the trait of interest but on molecular markers linked on those traits.
Plant cell and callus culture systems have been emerged most potential area of bio processing and production of useful metabolites of nutraceutical importance. These methods have been advanced through bioreactor technology. Research and development is critical to the rapidly developing field of functional foods and nutraceuticals. Producers want new opportunities that increase farm income; processors want value-added food products, health ingredients and new uses for agricultural production, by-products and new products for new and existing markets. Consumers (worldwide) want increased assurance of the safety and quality of the food system and enhanced environmental performance of the agriculture and agri-food sector.
Provinces and communities are seeking economic development opportunities for horticulture. This book will be helpful in better understanding, utilization of crop diversity, underutilized crops, and their residues and improvement in PHT and development of new functional food with greater use of bioactive compounds and other quality traits.
Nutraceutical Values of Horticultural Crops and Products 1st Edition Table of contents:
1. Nutritional Value of Underutilized Fruits
2. An Overview of Plant Biodiversity of Horticultural Crops in Arid Region
3. Nutraceutical Potential of Pomegranate Jamun and Other Arid Zone Fruits
4. Improvement in Underutilized Fruit Crops Rich in Bioactive Compoundsand their Economic Cultivatio
5. Ethnobotanical Importance of Flora of Hot Arid Regions of India
6. Antioxidant Profile of Selected Asian Vegetables
7. Improvement of Tomato for Lycopene Content
8. Perspectives of Germplasm Collection of Fruits and Vegetables forNutraceuticals
9. Safe Conservation Technologies for Elite Plant Germplasm
10. Vegetable-derived Nutraceuticals: Value Chain and Nutrition Security
11. Bioactive Compound Based Antioxidants: An Overview
12. Oxidative Damage in Living Systems and Use of Phytochemicals
13. Medicinal Plants for Diabetes Mellitus
14. Dietary Fiber: Importance, Types and Dietary Sources
15. Phytosterols as Functional Food
16. Nutraceuticals in Fruits and Vegetables Used and Availability
17. Bioactive Compounds Profile of Khejri
18. Cactus Pear for Nutraceutical and Functional Food
19 Nutraceutical Value of Arid Fruits and Vegetables
20. Functional Food Quality of Onion and Garlic
21. Scientific Validations of Herbal Plants of Arid Zone
22. Antioxidant Rich Beverages from Under-utilized TemperateHorticultural Crops
23. Nano-technological Applications in Agriculture and Food
24. Enhancement of Bioactive Compounds in Ziziphus Through in vitro Technique
25. in vitro Production of Secondary Metabolites
26. Opportunities, Challenges and Strategies to Develop Functional Foodsand Phytomedicines
27. Extraction, Analysis and Quality Control of Nutraceuticals and OtherBioactive Natural Products
28. Quality Control on Industrial Processing of Antioxidants
29. Encapsulation of Nutraceutical Compounds for Functional Foods
30. Packaging Technology for Processed Products
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Dhurendra Singh,Sivalingam,Pinaki Acharyya,Nutraceutical,Values,Horticultural,Crops,Products