Pauline Baptism among the Mysteries Ritual Messages and the Promise of Initiation 1st Edition by Donghyun Jeong – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9783110791501, 3110791501
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:3110791501
• ISBN 13:9783110791501
• Author:Donghyun Jeong
Pauline Baptism among the Mysteries
Ritual Messages and the Promise of Initiation
This monograph provides an alternative model for looking at the old question about Paul and the mysteries in a new light. Specifically, this study compares rituals—baptism in the Pauline communities and the initiation rituals of the mysteries—through the lens of cultural anthropology and the sociology of religion. Three research questions lead the project: What benefits does each initiation ritual promise its participants? What are the underlying messages or structures that guarantee the efficacy of those rituals? How and to what extent is the initiation ritual connected to the participants’ cognition and ethics beyond initiation itself? Taking those questions as the analytical framework, this study substantiates two points: first, in terms of ritual messages, baptism in the Pauline communities is a ritual analogous to mystery initiation, and second, Paul is an innovative interpreter of ritual who recalibrates the messages of preexisting rituals for his theological and ethical program, seeking to radically extend the implications of initiation to the embodied life of every Christ-believer. Students and scholars of New Testament, early Christianity, classics, and ritual studies will benefit from engaging this volume.
Pauline Baptism among the Mysteries Ritual Messages and the Promise of Initiation 1st Table of contents:
1 Introduction
1.1 Presuppositions
1.2 An Outline of the Study
1.3 The Thesis of the Study
2 Paul and the Mysteries: Retrospective and Prospective
2.1 The History of Scholarship
2.1.1 The Inaugurated Quest: Paul/Early Christianity Was Dependent on the Mysteries
2.1.2 The Moratorium on the Quest: No Dependency on the Mysteries
2.1.3 The Continued Quest
2.1.4 The Need for an Analytical Framework
2.2 The Analytical Framework of this Study
2.2.1 Roy Rappaport
2.2.2 Martin Riesebrodt
2.2.3 My Integrated Framework
3 Initiation into the Dionysiac Mysteries
3.1 The Self-referential Messages, or the Benefits Initiation Promises
3.1.1 Transformation of One’s Religious and Social Self
3.1.2 Blessed Civic Life
3.1.3 Ecstasy and Deliverance in the Present
3.1.4 Deliverance in the Future
3.2 The Canonical Messages, or the Grounds for the Efficacy of the Initiation’s Promises
3.2.1 Dionysus Established the Initiation Ritual
3.2.2 Dionysus Suffers and Overcomes
3.2.3 Dionysus Returns
3.2.4 Dionysus Is Identified with His Devotees
3.2.5 Dionysus Is the Intercessor in the Afterlife
3.3 Beyond Initiation
3.3.1 Is Initiation Alone Sufficient?
3.3.2 Religious Virtuosity as Both What is Promised and What Enables Other Benefits
3.4 Summary
4 Initiation into the Mysteries of Isis
4.1 The Self-referential Messages, or the Benefits Initiation Promises
4.1.1 Transformation of One’s Religious and Social Self
4.1.2 Sōtēria: Protection/Deliverance
4.1.3 Isis’s Guardianship: Permanent Relationship with the Goddess
4.1.4 Blessed Afterlife
4.1.5 Development of One’s Cognitive Capability
4.2 The Canonical Messages, or the Grounds for the Efficacy of the Initiation’s Promises
4.2.1 Isis Established the Initiation Ritual
4.2.2 Isis is the All-powerful, Universal Deity
4.2.3 Isis Sympathizes with Her Devotees
4.2.4 The Initiates Share the Fate and Suffering of Isis
4.3 Beyond Initiation
4.3.1 Is Initiation Alone Sufficient?
4.3.2 Religious Virtuosity as Both What is Promised and What Enables Other Benefits
4.4 Summary
5 Initiation into the Pauline Communities (I): Baptism in 1 Corinthians
5.1 Preliminary Considerations
5.2 Discussions of Key Passages
5.2.1 1 Corinthians 1:10 – 17
5.2.2 1 Corinthians 1:26 – 31
5.2.3 1 Corinthians 6:9 – 11
5.2.4 1 Corinthians 10:1 – 5 and 1 Corinthians 12:12 – 13
5.2.5 1 Corinthians 15:18 – 19
6 “Baptism for the Dead” (1 Cor 15:29): Ritual Blending and Innovation
6.1 Introductory Remarks
6.2 Investigation of the Context in Roman Corinth
6.2.1 Rituals for Initiation: focusing on the Mysteries of Melikertes-Palaimon
6.2.2 Funerary Rituals and Beyond
6.3 Ritual Blending and Innovation
7 Initiation into the Pauline Communities (II): Baptism in Galatians and Romans
7.1 Discussions of Key Passages
7.1.1 Galatians 3:25 – 29
7.1.2 Romans 6:1 – 14 within Romans 5 – 8
7.2 Synthesis: Baptism in the Pauline Communities and Paul’s Interpretation of Baptism
8 Conclusion
Appendix: References to Baptism in the Undisputed Pauline Letters
Index of Names
Index of Ancient Names
Index of Subjects
Index of Ancient Sources
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