Political Parties and Democracy 1st Edition by Larry Diamond – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9780801868634, 0801868637
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:0801868637
• ISBN 13:9780801868634
• Author:Larry Diamond
Political parties are one of the core institutions of democracy. But in democracies around the world—rich and poor, Western and non-Western—there is growing evidence of low or declining public confidence in parties. In membership, organization, and popular involvement and commitment, political parties are not what they used to be. But are they in decline, or are they simply changing their forms and functions? In contrast to authors of most previous works on political parties, which tend to focus exclusively on long-established Western democracies, the contributors to this volume cover many regions of the world. Theoretically, they consider the essential functions that political parties perform in democracy and the different types of parties. Historically, they trace the emergence of parties in Western democracies and the transformation of party cleavage in recent decades. Empirically, they analyze the changing character of parties and party systems in postcommunist Europe, Latin America, and five individual countries that have witnessed significant change: Italy, Japan, Taiwan, India, and Turkey. As the authors show, political parties are now only one of many vehicles for the representation of interests, but they remain essential for recruiting leaders, structuring electoral choice, and organizing government. To the extent that parties are weak and discredited, the health of democracy will be seriously impaired.
Contributors: Larry Diamond and Richard Gunther • Hans Daalder • Philippe Schmitter • Seymour Martin Lipset • Giovanni Sartori • Bradley Richardson • Herbert Kitschelt • Michael Coppedge • Ergun Ozbudun • Yun-han Chu • Leonardo Morlino • Ashutosh Varshney and E. Sridharan • Stefano Bartolini and Peter Mair.
Political Parties and Democracy 1st Table of contents:
Volume 1: The Americas
Political parties and democracy: three stages of power / Kay Lawson
Introduction to political parties and democracy: the Americas / Kay Lawson and Jorge Lanzaro
Part 1: North America
Chapter 1: Parties and democracy in Canada: regional fragmentation, institutional inertia, and democratic deficit / James Bickerton
Chapter 2: Work in progress: parties and democracy in the United States / Diana Dwyre
Part 2: Latin America
Chapter 3: Political parties and democracy in Argentina: 1983-2008 / Ana María Mustapic
Chapter 4: Enlargement of democracy and changes in the Bolivian party system / Fernando Mayorga
Chapter 5: Parties and democracy in Brazil, 1985-2006: moving toward Cartelization / Jairo Nicolau
Chapter 6: Political parties in Chile: stable conditions, inert democracy / Alfredo Joignant
Chapter 7: Political parties and democratization in Mexico: the endless chain of electoral reforms / Esperanza Palma
Chapter 8: How does a democracy with a weak party system work? The Peruvian case / Martin Tanaka
Chapter 9: Uruguay: persistence and change in an old party democracy / Jorge Lanzaro.
Volume 2: Europe
Political parties and democracy: three stages of power / Kay Lawson
Introduction to political parties and democracy: Europe / Kay Lawson
Part 1: Western Europe
Chapter 1: Political parties and democracy in France: an ambiguous relationship / Nicolas Sauger
Chapter 2: Development of a multiparty system in Germany: a threat to democratic stability? / Juergen Falter
Chapter 3: Three ages of party politics in postwar Italy / Piero Ignazi
Chapter 4: Spanish parties and democracy: weak party-society linkage and intense party-state symbiosis / Luis Ramiro and Laura Morales
Chapter 5: New questions for parties and democracy in the United Kingdom: participation, choice, and control / Paul Webb
Part 2: Scandinavia
Chapter 6: Massive stability of the Danish multiparty system: a pyrrhic victory? / Christian Elmelund-Præstekær, Jørgen Elklit, and Ulrik Kjaer
Chapter 7: Parties as vehicles of democracy in Norway: still working after all these years? / Elin Haugsgjerd Allern
Part 3: Eastern Europe
Chapter 8: Political parties and democracy: the Polish case / Hieronim Kubiak
Chapter 9: Relationship between parties and democracy in Hungary / Attila Ágh
Chapter 10: Czech party system and democracy: a quest for stability and functionality / Miroslav Novak.
Volume 3: Post-Soviet and Asian political parties
Political parties and democracy: three stages of power / Kay Lawson
Part 1: Post-Soviet parties
Introduction to political parties and democracy: Part 1: Post-Soviet parties / Anatoly Kulik
Chapter 1: Stumbling gait of pluralist democracy and political parties in Georgia / George Tarkan-Mouravi
Chapter 2: Political parties and democratization of the Republic of Moldova / Igor Botan
Chapter 3: Are the parties of the Russian “sovereign democracy” sustaining democratic governance? / Anatoly Kulik
Chapter 4: Political parties in Ukraine: learning democratic accountability? / Andrey A. Meleshevych
Part 2: Asian parties
Introduction to political parties and democracy: Part 2: Asian parties / Baogang He
Chapter 5: China’s step toward democratization: intraparty democracy / Baogang He
Chapter 6: Political parties and democracy in India / M.V. Rajeev Gowda and Eswaran Sridharan
Chapter 7: Fledgling two-party democracy in Japan: no strong partisans and a fragmented state bureaucracy / Takashi Inoguchi
Chapter 8: Politics of ethnicity: authoritarianism, development, and social change in Malaysia / Edmund Terence Gomez
Chapter 9: Political parties and democracy in South Korea / Hoon Jaung.
Volume 4: Africa and Oceania
Political parties and democracy: three stages of power / Kay Lawson
Part 1: Africa
Introduction to political parties and democracy: Part 1: Africa: Which makes which? / Luc Sindjoun
Chapter 1: Multiparty politics and democratic construction in Cameroon / Herman Touo
Chapter 2: Toward democratic consolidation in Kenya: the role of political parties / Leah Kimathi
Chapter 3: Political party life in Namibia: dominant party with consolidating democracy / André du Pisani and William A. Lindeke
Chapter 4: Stuck at the gate of political transition? Dynamics of political parties and democratization in Nigeria / Adekunle Amuwo
Chapter 5: Democracy in South Africa’s dominant party system / Nicola de Jager
Part 2: Oceania
Political parties and democracy: Part 2: Oceania: an introduction / Marian Simms
Chapter 6: Australian political parties and democracy: a strange case of liberal modernity / Marian Simms
Chapter 7: New Zealand: a party system transformed / Raymond Miller
Chapter 8: Party politics and democracy in Fiji: ethnic and multiracial complexities / Alumita L. Durutalo
Chapter 9: Political parties as instruments of democracy in Samoa / Isalei Sioa
Chapter 10: How political parties do and do not contribute to democratic governance in the Solomon Islands / Gordon Leua Nanau.
Volume 5: Arab world
Political parties and democracy: three stages of power / Kay Lawson
Introduction to political parties and democracy: Part 1: Arab world / Saad Eddin Ibrahim
Part 1: Arab world
Chapter 1: Political parties in Egypt: alive, but not kicking / Emad El-Din Shahin
Chapter 2: Lebanese partisan experience and its impact on democracy / Antoine Nasri Messarra
Chapter 3: Political parties in Mauritania: challenges and horizons / Mohamed Ould Mohamed Abderrahmane Moine
Chapter 4: Role of political parties in establishing Moroccan democracy / Mokhtar Benabdallaoui
Chapter 5: Tunisian political parties, democratization, and the dilemma of the political regime / Salaheddine Jourchi
Chapter 6: Democratic transformation in Algeria: the role of the parties / Abderrazak Makri
Part 2: Neighboring states
Chapter 7: Institutional incentive and attitudinal deterrents: parties and democracy in Israel / Yael Yishai
Chapter 8: Quest for party democracy in Turkey: unequal to the power of historical continuity? / Yunus Emre
Conclusion to the set: origins of the project, summary by region,
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Political Parties,Democracy 1st Edition,Larry Diamond