Public Broadcasting in Africa Nigeria 1st Edition by Akin Akingbulu – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1920489002, 9781920489656
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1920489002
ISBN 13: 9781920489656
Author: Akin Akingbulu
Public Broadcasting in Africa Nigeria 1st Edition: This report on the broadcast media in Nigeria finds that liberalisation efforts in the broadcasting sector have only been partially achieved. More than a decade after military rule, the nation still has not managed to enact media legislation that is in line with continental standards, particularly the Declaration on Freedom of Expression in Africa. The report, part of an 11-country survey of broadcast media in Africa, strongly recommends the transformation of the two state broadcasters into a genuine public broadcaster as an independent legal entity with editorial independence and strong safeguards against any interference from the federal government, state governments and other interests. The report was written by Mr. Akin Akingbulu Executive Director, Institute for Media and Society, IMS, Nigeria.
Public Broadcasting in Africa Nigeria 1st Edition Table of contents:
1 – Country Facts
- Government
- Balance of powers
- Basic socio-economic data
- Main challenges
- The media landscape
- Brief history of broadcasting
2 – Media Legislation and Regulation
- International, continental and regional standards
- The Constitution of Nigeria
- General media laws and regulations
- Other laws that impact on media and freedom of expression
- Jurisprudence
- Conclusions and recommendations
3 – The Broadcasting Landscape
- The state broadcasters
- Commercial/private broadcasters
- Community broadcasting services
- Technical standard and accessibility of services
- Concentration of media ownership
- Conclusions and recommendations
4 – Digitalisation and its Impact
- Preparedness for the switch-over
- Convergence
- Increased competition
- Conclusion and recommendations
5 – Broadcasting Legislation and Regulation
- The National Broadcasting Commission
- Licensing of broadcasters and enforcement of licence conditions
- Complaints and conflict resolution systems
- Proposed merger of regulatory authorities
- Conclusions and recommendations
6 – Overview of the State Broadcasters
- Legislation
- Profile of the state broadcasters
- Organisational structures
- Attitudes within the state broadcasters towards public broadcasting
- Conclusions and recommendations
7 – Funding of the State Broadcasters
- Main sources of funding
- Spending
- Conclusions and recommendations
8 – Programming
- Programme policies and guidelines
- Programming of state broadcasters
- Programming of non-state broadcasters
- News and current affairs
- Feedback and complaints procedures
- Funding of public interest programming of private broadcasters
- Conclusions and recommendations
9 – Broadcasting Reform Efforts
- Previous reform efforts
- Current reform efforts
- Conclusions and recommendations
10 – Overall Conclusions and Recommendations
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