Quantification (Research Surveys in Linguistics) 1st Edition by Anna Szabolcsi – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0521715938, 978-0521715935
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ISBN 10: 0521715938
ISBN 13: 978-0521715935
Author: Anna Szabolcsi
Quantification (Research Surveys in Linguistics) 1st Edition: Quantification forms a significant aspect of cross-linguistic research into both sentence structure and meaning. This book surveys research in quantification starting with the foundational work in the 1970s. It paints a vivid picture of generalized quantifiers and Boolean semantics. It explains how the discovery of diverse scope behaviour in the 1990s transformed the view of quantification, and how the study of the internal composition of quantifiers has become central in recent years. It presents different approaches to the same problems, and links modern logic and formal semantics to advances in generative syntax. A unique feature of the book is that it systematically brings cross-linguistic data to bear on the theoretical issues, covering French, German, Dutch, Hungarian, Russian, Japanese, Telugu (Dravidian), and Shupamem (Grassfield Bantu) and points to formal semantic literature involving quantification in around thirty languages.
Quantification (Research Surveys in Linguistics) 1st Edition Table of contents:
1. What This Book is About and How to Use It
- The Proper Treatment of Quantification in Ordinary Human
- How to Use This Book
- Notation and Terminology
2. Generalized Quantifiers and Their Elements: Operators and Their Scopes
- Generalized Quantifiers – Heroes or Old Fogeys?
- Generalized Quantifiers and Their Elements: Operators and Their Scopes
- Scope and Constituent Structure
- The Basic Idea
- The (First) Proper Treatment of Quantification: Montague
- Interlude: Quantifier Phrases Do Not Directly Bind Pronouns
- Quantifier Raising: May
- All the Scopes, but a Simple Syntax: Hendriks
- Continuations and Scope: Barker and Shan
- Summary and Direct Compositionality
3. Generalized Quantifiers in Non-Nominal Domains
- Domains of Quantification
- Raising Verbs as Quantifiers
4. Some Empirically Significant Properties of Quantifiers and Determiners
- Quantifiers
- Boolean Compounds
- Monotonicity: Increasing, Decreasing, and Non-Monotonic Quantifiers
- Witnesses: The Sets Quantifiers Contribute to Interpretation
- Monotonicity and Existential Quantification Over Sets
- Determiner Denotations
- Determiners as Relations or Two-Place Functions
- The Determiner’s Restriction
- Summary
5. Potential Challenges for Generalized Quantifiers
- Referential Indefinites
- Collective Readings
- Type Multiplicity
- Presuppositions and the Weak/Strong Distinction
- Implicatures
- Comparative and Superlative Determiners Vis-a-Vis Compositionality
- De Re vs. De Dicto, Local vs. Global
- Cross-Linguistic Variation
- Interim Summary
6. Scope is Not Uniform and Not a Primitive
- Different Quantifiers, Different Scopes
- Quantifiers or Referring Expressions?
- How to Obtain Reliable Scope Data
7. Existential Scope Versus Distributive Scope
- Indefinites
- No Such Thing as “The Scope” of an Indefinite
- Existential Closure of a Choice Function Variable
- Skolemized Choice Functions
- Universals of the Every NP-Type
- Existential vs. Distributive Scope in Universals
- Inducing and Exhibiting Referential Variation
- Indefinites and Universals Unified?
- Do All “Quantifier Phrases” Have the Same Dual Scope Behavior?
- Summary
8. Distributivity and Scope
- Background Notions: Sorting Keys, Distributed Shares, and Events
- Distributive Readings with Plural (In)definites
- Distributivity and Cumulativity
- All, Both, Stressed AND, and Some Cross-Linguistic Counterparts
- Distributive Singular Quantifiers
- Floating Quantifiers, Anti-Quantifiers, and Dependent Plurals
- Floating Quantifiers: An Overview
- Binominal Each and Other Anti-Quantifiers
- Plurals – Dependent Plurals Among Them
- Numeral Reduplication as NumP Pluralization
- All NP/NumP Pluralization is Event-Key Distribution
- Referential Dependency: Event Semantics Vis-a-Vis Skolemization
9. Bare Numeral Indefinites
- The Flexible DP Hypothesis
- How Many is Two?
- Cardinal vs. Individual Readings of Numeral Indefinites
- Numeral Interpretation, Agreement, and the Split-DP Hypothesis
- Summary
10. Modified Numerals
- The Absence of Scalar Implicatures in Modified Numerals
- The Non-Synonymy of Comparative and Superlative Modifiers
- The Split-Scope Analysis of Comparative Quantifiers
- More Than Half, Most Of The, and The Most
- Counting Quantifiers
- Summary and Experimental Evidence
11. Clause-Internal Scopal Diversity
- The Basic Facts
- The Basic Approaches
- Scope as a By-Product of Feature Checking
- Scope Restrictions, Internal Structure, Economy
- Cross-Linguistic Hypotheses
12. Towards a Compositional Semantics of Quantifier Words
- Is There Interesting Syntax in and Around Universal Quantifiers?
- The View from Lillooet: Quantifier Words Operate on DP
- A Closer Look at Determiners: Mandarin, Modern Greek, and Hungarian
- Diving into Quantifier Words in German
- Word-Internal Compositionality? Cross-Linguistic Isomorphy?
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