Teacher Education and the Struggle for Social Justice 1st Edition by Kenneth M. Zeichner – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0805858652, 978-0805858655
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0805858652
ISBN 13: 978-0805858655
Author: Kenneth M. Zeichner
Teacher Education and the Struggle for Social Justice 1st Edition :
“… Clear, articulate, and cogent….[Zeichner] exhibits a commitment to a vision of social justice that rightly demands the very best both from society and from those of us who work in schools, communities, and teacher education institutions.” — Michael W. Apple, From the Foreword
In this selection of his work from 1991-2008, Kenneth M. Zeichner examines the relationships between various aspects of teacher education, teacher development, and their contributions to the achievement of greater justice in schooling and in the broader society. A major theme that comes up in different ways across the chapters is Zeichner’s belief that the mission of teacher education programs is to prepare teachers in ways that enable them to successfully educate everyone’s children. A second theme is an argument for a view of democratic deliberation in schooling, teacher education, and educational research where members of various constituent groups have genuine input into the educational process.
Teacher Education and the Struggle for Social Justice is directed to teacher educators and to policy makers who see teacher education as a critical element in maintaining a strong public education system in a democratic society.
Teacher Education and the Struggle for Social Justice 1st Edition Table of contents:
1 The Adequacies and Inadequacies of Three Current Strategies to Recruit, Prepare, and Retain the Best Teachers for All Students
2 Educating Teachers for Social Justice
3 Professional Development Schools in a Culture of Evidence and Accountability
4 Action Research as a Strategy for Preparing Teachers to Work for Greater Social Justice: A Case Study from the United States
5 Action Research: Personal Renewal and Social Reconstruction
6 Action Research in Teacher Education as a Force for Greater Social Justice
7 Beyond the Divide of Teacher Research and Academic Research
8 Connecting Genuine Teacher Development to the Struggle for Social Justice
9 Contradictions and Tensions in the Professionalization of Teaching and the Democratization of Schools
10 Reflections of a University-Based Teacher Educator on the Future of College- and University-B
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