The Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Families 1st Edition by Jacqueline Scott, Judith Treas, Martin Richards – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0470998997, 9780470998991
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0470998997
ISBN 13: 9780470998991
Author: Jacqueline Scott, Judith Treas, Martin Richards
The Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Families 1st Edition: Tackling issues relevant to family life today, this authoritative Companion shows why studying social change in families is fundamental for understanding the transformations in individual and social life, across the globe. Contains original essays by expert contributors on a wide range of topics relating to the sociology of families. Includes coverage of social inequality, parenting practices, children’s work, the changing patterns of citizenship, and multi-cultural families. Gives special attention to European and North American examples. Discusses previously neglected groups, including immigrant families and gays and lesbians. Explores how revolutionary changes in aging, longevity, and sexual behavior have radically affected the experience of different generations, and the relationships between them.
The Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Families 1st Edition Table of contents:
Chapter 1: Globalization and Western bias in family sociology
Chapter 2: Changing European families: Trends and issues
Chapter 3: Recent demographic trends in the US and implications for well-being
Chapter 4: Children, families, states, and changing citizenship
Chapter 5: Families and local communities
Chapter 6: Generations, the life course, and family change
Chapter 7: Children’s families
Chapter 8: Aging and the life course
Chapter 9: Parenting practices
Chapter 10: Time, through the life course, in the family
Chapter 11: Inequality and the family
Chapter 12: Families of the poor
Chapter 13: Social capital and the family
Chapter 14: Family, the state, and health care: Changing roles in the new century
Chapter 15: Immigrant families in the US
Chapter 16: Immigrant families in the UK
Chapter 17: Religion, romantic love, and the family
Chapter 18: Trends in the formation and dissolution of couples
Chapter 19: Children, families, and divorce
Chapter 20: The lesbian and gay family
Chapter 21: Couples and their networks
Chapter 22: Men in families and households
Chapter 23: Sex and family: Changes and challenges
Chapter 24: Feminism and the family
Chapter 25: Work and families
Chapter 26: Public policy and families
Chapter 27: Assisted reproduction, genetic technologies, and family life
Chapter 28: Families in a runaway world
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Jacqueline Scott,Judith Treas,Martin Richards,The Blackwell,Companion,the Sociology,Families