The Manambu Language of East Sepik, Papua New Guinea 1st Edition by Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 019161534X, 9780191615344
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 019161534X
ISBN 13: 9780191615344
Author: Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald
The Manambu Language of East Sepik, Papua New Guinea 1st Edition: This book presents the first comprehensive description of the Manambu language of Papua New Guinea. Manambu belongs to the Ndu language family, and is spoken by about 2,500 people in five villages: Avatip, Yawabak, Malu, Apa:n, and Yambon (Yuanab) in East Sepik Province, Ambunti district. About 200-400 speakers live in the cities of Port Moresby, Wewak, Lae, and Madang; and a few live in Kokopo and Mount Hagen. The book is based entirely on the author’s fieldwork.
After an introductory account of the language and its speakers, Professor Aikhenvald devotes chapters to phonology, grammatical relations, word classes, gender, semantics, number, case, possession, derivation and compounding, pronouns, morphology, verbs, mood and modality, negation, clauses, pragmatics, discourse, semantics, the lexicon, current directions of change, and genetic relationship to other languages. The description is presented in a clear style in a framework that will be comprehensible to all linguists and linguistic anthropologists.
The Manambu Language of East Sepik, Papua New Guinea 1st Edition Table of contents:
- 1 Introduction: The Language and its Speakers
- 2 Phonology
- 3 Grammatical Relations
- 4 Word Classes
- 5 Gender Marking, Semantics, and Agreement
- 6 Number
- 7 Case Marking
- 8 Possession
- 9 Derivation and Compounding
- 10 Closed Classes
- 11 Predicate Structure and Verb Root Types
- 12 Verbal Categories in Positive Declarative and Interrogative Clauses
- 13 Mood and Modality
- 14 Negation
- 15 Verb Compounding
- 16 Directionals and Valency-Changing Devices
- 17 Complex Predicates
- 18 Clause Linking and Dependent Clauses
- 19 Other Dependent Clauses and Further Features of Clause Linking
- 20 Clause Types and Discourse-Pragmatic Devices
- 21 Issues in Semantics and Features of Lexicon
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