Theology and the Political: The New Debate (Series: SIC 5) 1st Edition by Creston Davis, John Milbank, Slavoj Zizek – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0822386496, 9780822386490
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0822386496
ISBN 13: 9780822386490
Author: Creston Davis, John Milbank, Slavoj Zizek
Theology and the Political: The New Debate (Series: SIC 5) 1st Edition: The essays in Theology and the Political—written by some of the world’s foremost theologians, philosophers, and literary critics—analyze the ethics and consequences of human action. They explore the spiritual dimensions of ontology, considering the relationship between ontology and the political in light of the thought of figures ranging from Plato to Marx, Levinas to Derrida, and Augustine to Lacan. Together, the contributors challenge the belief that meaningful action is simply the successful assertion of will, that politics is ultimately reducible to “might makes right.” From a variety of perspectives, they suggest that grounding human action and politics in materialist critique offers revolutionary possibilities that transcend the nihilism inherent in both contemporary liberal democratic theory and neoconservative ideology.
Theology and the Political: The New Debate (Series: SIC 5) 1st Edition Table of contents:
PART 1: Revolution and Theological Difference
- Tragedy and Revolution
- Notes
- Metanoia: The Theological Praxis of Revolution
- Divine Synthesis, or Metanoia and the Political Praxis
- From Metanoia to the Marxian Immaterial
- The Rise of the Political Subject: Being and Back Again!
- Notes
- The “Thrilling Romance of Orthodoxy”
- Notes
- Nothing Is, Something Must Be: Lacan and Creation from No One
- Notes
- Revelation and Revolution
- Caricatures of the Other
- Revelation
- Justice and Charity
- Notes
PART 2: Ontology, Capital, and Kingdom
- Capital and Kingdom: An Eschatological Ontology
- The Metaphysics of Money
- The Politics of Money
- An Eschatological Ontology
- Conclusion
- Notes
- Neither Servility nor Sovereignty: Between Metaphysics and Politics
- Between Metaphysics and Politics
- Metaxological Metaphysics and Modern Ontology
- The Between and Communities
- Neither Servility nor Sovereignty
- Notes
- Of Chrematology: Joyce and Money
- Notes
- Only Jesus Saves: Toward a Theopolitical Ontology of Judgment
- The Metaphysics of Madness and Cruelty: Deleuze, Capitalism, and Desire
- Christ and the Judgment of God
- Practicing the End of Judgment: Sacrifice and the End of Capitalism
- Notes
PART 3: Infinite Desire and the Political Subject
- The Political Subject and Absolute Immanence
- Spinoza’s Conjecture
- Spinoza’s Infinite and the Blockage of the Investigation
- Another Example: Aporias of the Biopolitical in Agamben
- Power and Poverty
- Notes
- Rewriting the Ontological Script of Liberation: On the Question of Finding a New Kind of Political Subject
- Notes
- Ecclesia: The Art of the Virtual
- Notes
- The Univocalist Mode of Production
- Notes
PART 4: Reenchanting the Political beyond Ontotheology
- The Commodification of Religion, or The Consummation of Capitalism
- Notes
- The Unbearable Withness of Being: On the Essentialist Blind Spot of Anti-ontotheology
- Notes
- “To Cut Too Deeply and Not Enough”: Violence and the Incorporeal
- Notes
- The Two Sources of the “Theological Machine”: Jacques Derrida and Henri Bergson on Religion, Technicity, War, and Terror
- Notes
PART 5: Theological Materialism
- Materialism and Transcendence
- Notes
- Truth and Peace: Theology and the Body Politic in Augustine and Hobbes
- Order and Nature
- Hierarchy, Proportion, and the Good
- Truth and Peace: The Time of the Body Politic
- Notes
- The Politics of the Eye: Toward a Theological Materialism
- The Kantian Legacy
- Materialism
- Transcendental Idealism
- Idealism
- A Christian Vision
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Creston Davis,John Milbank,Slavoj Zizek,Theology,Political,New Debate,Series SIC 5